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Training Outline

The Center offers the following training resources

Online Tutorials

Other online resources:

Individual PIs may require their lab members to demonstrate mastery of online materials before hands-on training


Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) documents that are written and maintained by managing directors are available next to each instrument to remind and guide users, and on the website's Caltech-access-only knowledge base.

Direct Training

After taking maximum advantage of the above resources, if possible, those who wish to learn how to prepare samples and/or operate microscopes on their own should first try to shadow experienced users who can sign up for microscope time independently. The direct training will be one-on-one with the Managing Director. The training progress will be based on the trainee's experience and individual progression, with the direct supervision gradually reduced as the trainee's progress permits. Following a demonstration of proficiency by the trainee, the Managing Director may designate them as independent users. Please contact to schedule direct training.